Thursday, November 27, 2008


300 packs a solid camp punch but no one collected any kindling. The trite, hackneyed, anachronistic dialogue is so ludicrously over-the-top that it’s sickeningly entertaining. But the racist overtones are disturbing, the consistent narration irritating, and the 'pure' nature of the heroes frightening. A film for teenagers searching for T & A and predictable cliches. Tyler Bates' music is viscid, Gerard Butler's King Leonidas is solid, and the film's over-the-top characteristics detach the reality from its narrative, making one less timid during the battle scenes (i.e., who cares). But one finds oneself laughing where there should be tears, scoffing where there should be allegiance, and rebelling amongst submissive persuasions. 300 may find a home in the Midnight Movies' circuit thanks to its off beat comic dimension and scintillating visuals, but as far as serious fantasy flicks spoil, this sortie is no Excalibur.

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